Get data against row value in excel using Linq


Need to Capture data against row value in Excel using Linq
Like in your given example I need to fetch
for 23/01 need 12/26/22 and 01/08/23
for 23/02 need 01/09/23 and 01/22/23
for 23/03 need 01/23/23 and 02/05/23
i.e. from and To value
Calender.xlsx (12.6 KB)

Any expert please?


you can easily do it using filter datatable rather than linq…as you need a single row

or even a look up table activity will also do the same


I have given examples of only few row but in actual it will have large set of data


Even then …filter will work…as you need only one…if you are looking to filter multiple rows and then use …linq makes sense…but each tiem you need only one

If you still need try this

Dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) x(0).ToString.Equals("23/01"))(0)(1).ToString

This gives start and for end use 3 instead of 1


thanks but getting below error

and yes you are right, I need value one by one


output of read Excel: dt_excel

build a datatble : dt_filter with desired 3 colums (Calander year,From,To)

dt_filter=dt_excel.AsEnumerable.Select(Function(x) dt_Filter.Clone.LoadDataRow({x(0).ToString,x(1).ToString,x(3).ToString},False)).copytodatatable

I don’t need a data table.
if I pass 23/01 then need 12/26/22 and 01/08/23.
I pass 23/02 then need 01/09/23 and 01/22/23
I pass 23/03 then need 01/23/23 and 02/05/23


Is dt a datatable?

As you need single values using lookup would be the best option considering readability as well


Hi @c3f1e68294fdcf4a1f0a817ca

Try this:

fromDate = Dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row(0).ToString() = "23/01").Select(Function(row) row(1).ToString()).FirstOrDefault()
toDate = Dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row(0).ToString() = "23/01").Select(Function(row) row(3).ToString()).FirstOrDefault()

Getting this error

BC30690: Structue ‘Char’ cannot be indexded because it has no default property.

How to use Data filter instead of linq? here dont know why but getting this error, any other way please

Getting same error

BC30690: Structue ‘Char’ cannot be indexded because it has no default property

How to use Data filter instead of linq? here dont know why but getting this error, any other way please

How to use Data filter instead of linq? here dont know why but getting this error, any other way please


try this


Hi @c3f1e68294fdcf4a1f0a817ca

You are getting that error because in the place of sheet name you are creating variable called dt, you are not giving the sheetname.

In the properties of Read Range activity you need to create a variable

Check on this xaml (38.9 KB)

Hope this helps!!

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