I am tried to get attribute value, but I can’t able to get value.
is there any solution for this?twitter month handler.xaml (6.8 KB)
get attribute element :-(Round in image)
I am tried to get attribute value, but I can’t able to get value.
is there any solution for this?twitter month handler.xaml (6.8 KB)
get attribute element :-(Round in image)
Hello @sams,
Please use below workflow that fetches value that your screenshot shows,
twitter month handler.xaml (8.8 KB)
Thanks for reply @Pankaj.Patil,
But, I want to get date from the class “js-permalink” of attribute “data-original-title” value from the web page of that url
Hi @sams,
You can make use of inject js script activity to get the value from DOM element
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementsByTagName(“H1”)[0].getAttribute(“data-original-title”);
return x;
This sample helped to understand about “Get attribute” for me.
Please refer this link :- https://activities.uipath.com/docs/get-attribute.
Main.xaml (6.7 KB)
If any query after refers sample you can ask here.
Hi everyone.
I’m making a bot script that input from a excel data to the web based system.
In this system, some input tags are set a maxlength attribute like the bellow page.
about maxlength attribute:
Sample page:
When I looked this article “Get attribute value in uipath”, I thought that I could get “maxlength” attribute’s value in the same way.
But i could not get the value using “Get attribute” activity.
Please anyone advice to me!
Please refer this example :- Main.xaml (6.6 KB)
In chrome(open link :-Article Not Found | Inc.com) > inspect element> console> $(“.Inc5000List__wrappingSpan__3Rhex”).
I hope you got Idea after refer example.
Can You explain For this
“https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCfVl36y3XXhDA4Vii-3JNVZGBSUjSIGURyYSBayGFUWfdLw/viewform” Thanks in advance How to Click On My CheckBox?
Hi @Acash,
please refer this xaml file to click the check box dynamically.
Main (1).xaml (8.1 KB)
Thanks A lot But I Have to put Value from Excel So I will mange it But I am not Pass the Travel then What Happened is it possible using Check Activity or Get-attribute?
HI @Acash,
use find children activity
you can check class attribute is ‘quantumWizTogglePapercheckboxCheckMarkContainer’ so then you can consider check box is checked
is it possible that [Assign] strCheckBoxName= From Excel Value Then pass Click and Add In Selector
that you have to Suggest ? and How to change Expression Editor instead of Selector Editor Because When I am Clicked on your Selector File Then Show Expression Editor How to show expression editor?
Can You Explain in Briefly I cannot Understand
finally successfully done but i have one issue in radio button … For Radio Button I have Assign Radio button then Pass Click and Change Selector as per your suggestion in Drop Down mean while when I am Run the Program then Focus On Radio Button but Click is not Performed. I am trying using Click Activity but it give me error and While I am Using Get Attribute then I am Stuck