Generate Yearly Report score

I have problem about score in Generate Yearly Report using RE framework

after completed Generate Yearly dispatch and performer task,

I checked Status type of WI4 ‘Completed’ all in ACME System

and also checked Queue Success after dispatch and performer

but the grade is always 0

how can i solve this problem

Welcome to our UiPath community @dhkim

@loginerror @Pablito
Is there any issue with validating the assignments in UiPath academy ? I can see many people are facing this issue in recent times.
Can you please check with Academy team once.


you are just checking one item from the list are completed, not the score, go to user options → check training assingmens →

and ensure you score is more than 80, either check you robot


MAKE SURE when you extract the tax ID you trim away the extra spaces using



this was the reason for a lot of people for generate yearly report / client hash assignment

Hey @lakshman

Thanks for tagging me. I’ll try to provide some context.

In general, those issues are being closely monitoring by our Academy team. In many cases, the 0/100 score comes from the user error. For that, it is best to go over the “0/100” topics that were solved in the past.

For situations where the scoring does not happen for an extended period of time, or something is clearly broken with the platform, it is best to escalate that to our Academy Support:

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