I am getting error on build stage while running pipeline.
CICD Error details.txt (791 Bytes)
Can you show the build activity properties…
Also does your user have publish permissions?
I can publish process through my studio
Yes same user I am using
Mostly it might be that the package with same version already might be existing…to verify try deleting the package tenant → packages and then check
Tried deleting the older package and pusing new code to GIT…that too didn’t worked
Hi @chandresh_agarwal ,
I have a couple of questions:
Thank you,
It is failing at clone stage now after upgrading the package
Would you please post the logs? Or if they are sensitive, you can share them with me privately.
Update.process.from.code execution started
ProjectPath: GIT Test/project.json
Committer username: Chandresh161
CommitSha: 12c0ddb38126b535637857cc28eac81ef35f07d2
RepositoryUrl: https://github.com/Chandresh161/GIT-Test.git
Build number: 4
[Clone project]: /tmp/1730119207997.003
"Cloned " + https://github.com/Chandresh161/GIT-Test.git + " To " + /tmp/1730119207997.003
Build: No space left on device
Update.process.from.code execution ended