GCM text field not recognizing bot's input

Working on a process that will create submissions in GCM QuickBase and I’m seeing that for one of the fields (RelatedSubClient) the bot is typing one thing in and the field just defaults to something else.

Despite the drop-down arrow, the Select Item is not compatible with this field so I need to type it in. I’ve tried SimulateType, SendWindowsMessages, and put an Enter or Tab hotkey afterward but that hasn’t solved the issue. When I do click the arrow, 3 options appear (first of which is what the site defaults to after entering anything else).

I did try a combination of Type Into & Click activities to have the bot actually select the appropriate input as a selector but the menu doesn’t stay expanded for the bot to execute that.

I am at a point where I believe GCM is the issue because of how the SubClient field is structured, but some members of my team seem to think there’s something I haven’t tried. Can anyone assist with this?


Can you confirm what you mean when you say the menu does not stay?

are you not able to get the selector?

If so did you try recording to get the selector… or indicate and use f2 for delay and select?


I went back and re-recorded the sequence in question. I fine-tuned the 2nd click activity to interact with the selector with the aria-role equal to the current SubClient for any particular unit. Both were defaulted to Simulate Click=True & Send Windows Messages=False

After this breakpoint, nothing happened. It appeared the 1st Click activity was executed but the menu did not expand which caused the 2nd Click to fail. Error message is below


Please remove simulate click or set it to false


I removed it from both Click activities and the bot was able to select the appropriate option.

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