FTP Scope Error - FTP Scope: openssh key type: ssh-rsa is not supported

Good afternoon UiPath Forum,

I am trying to connect to an SFTP site for pulling files. When the process runs, it encounters the error FTP Scope: openssh key type: ssh-rsa is not supported. The client certificate file does contain an ssh-rsa type. Given the error though, what types does the UiPath FTP package support and how can I adjust? Thanks as always for your expertise.

Try changing value for sftp mode from none
I haven’t exactly faced this issue but try changing the drop down try and see other value for protocol

Hi @jamiejam

I believe the UiPath team is still working on the latest package to include support for the ssh-rsa key type. For further details, please refer to the threads below.

Thanks for the idea @jast1631 . I tried that as you suggested. Just so you know, it results in the same error message whether I select None, Explicit, or Implicit.

Thanks very much for that information @pradeep931 . Do you know if there is another type of certificate that the UiPath FTP scope will accept? I looked on the UiPath docs website and it isn’t specific about the certificate types. Your input was most appreciated.

A workaround may be to use WinSCP by command line
See reference: Command-line Options :: WinSCP

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