FTP - Enumerate Object Activity Giving Error

I am automating the process of downloading/uploading files from an FTP server. I am using an FTP activity, and the FTP session was connected to the Directory Exist activity first, and I got the correct response.

I need to iterate through each file in the directory, so I used Enumerate Objects and its giving below error.

“Enumerate Objects: One or more errors occurred. (Unsupported object type encountered.)”

Any help is much appreciated


Delete the variable dt_en_outboundfiles and re-create from property → Output → Files by pressing Ctrl+K

Ashok per documentation the datatype of this variable would be string

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

I did it, still same error.


Ok. Try updating the package to latest possible version.

Its already on the latest version.

Couldn’t find a solution to get the file names from a remote folder using FTP activity

Try to Remove and add the library back.

Does it happen for all the directories, or only a specific one?

For example, if you were to try to iterate over an empty directory, or one with just a simple text file - would the same occur?

Its happening on all directories


Do you happen to know what is your FTP server hosted on? Is it a Windows or a Linux server? And what would be the provider?

I am trying to reproduce this and the only way I can is by using a Linux server and a file type that isn’t supported, so not a file, not a directory and not a syslink.

I was not able to reproduce this on a Windows server yet, but I would assume that the reason is the same. Currently the FTP activity package only supports the following types of objects:

namespace FluentFTP;

// Summary:
//     Type of file system of object
public enum FtpObjectType
    // Summary:
    //     A file
    // Summary:
    //     A directory
    // Summary:
    //     A symbolic link

And it throws an exception for any other type:

My current guess is that this occurs due to some hidden unsupported objects that are present in a folder for certain FTP servers (most likely Windows ones).