For Each:,Unable to cast object of type 'System.Char' to type ''

Hi everyone, I’m facing a error in RE Framework

I have a file location in config File and i’m getting that into my process by passing an Argument and i’m FOR EACH activity to get that file from folder but i’m getting error ( For Each: Unable to cast object of type ‘System.Char’ to type ‘System.String’)

can anyone help me how to solve this.

If your TEMP_FLOWCHART variable is the folder path, in the For Each statement, replace it with Directory.GetFiles(TEMP_FLOWCHART)
Else, if your TEMP_FLOWCHART is the file itself, you don’t need a for each loop to use that file.

hi @RobertD TEMP_FLOWCHART is the argument. I’m calling the file location from Config file

@ranaprathap928 can you please confirm data type for ‘TEMP_FLOWCHART’ argument/varibale?

thanks @RobertD it’s working fine i’m using Directory.getfiles(TEMP_FLOWCHART)

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Thanks @rrkadari for your reply , problem is solved

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