For each UIElement is not working

Hi, I’m having trouble with the activity “for each UIElement”.
I have this table where i want to click this element highligthed, it is a dinamc table, so it can contain more or less element than this

I can select correctly the element I want to click but When I try to run the project it doesn’t work and when I try to see my selection the for each element show me this error
A warning box indicating "Unidentified columns found" appears in front of a table containing PDF files with descriptions such as "DENUNCIA" and "POLIZZA." (Captioned by AI)

What can I do? I’ve always used this activity and I haven’t have any problem yet

Re capture and compare , there might be some value in selectors which will be dynamic. Compare the selectors.

It doens’t work. I’ve been trying to recapture the element. But it doesnt work.
It gives me error even ifI open the same table I captured

Can you paste both selectors value here ? When you first select and again after selecting it for second time

Assuming you are trying to click based on the filename (which you already know) then just use a regular Click activity with the filename dynamic in the selector (probably the aaname property of the A tag).


  1. First the selector identified in the for each might contain some dynamic data…you can find by checking or copying the current selector , then reindicate and place both selectors side by side and validate
  2. You can use extract datatable and then use a loop on datatable and pass the currentrow(1).ToString value to the selector as variable inside it mostly for innertext or aaname fields


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