Hello Experts!
While executing my code this showing an error.
Please refer to attached workflow
Uipath.zip (63.7 KB)
Hello Experts!
While executing my code this showing an error.
Please refer to attached workflow
Uipath.zip (63.7 KB)
This happens when you try to add a row to the same datatable which we are looping through. The solution is to copy the datatable to a new one and add datarows to the newly created one. You can do it like this:
DTNew= DTOld.Copy()
Thanks mam, i getting it.
But will your please elaborate the process in more easily manner where and what i have to place.
I am freshly new to UIpath.
Try like this!
if (row(0).tostring.equals(item(1).Tostring))
if you wants to remove the duplicates from the data table try like this
try this @Prabin_Chand
Main.xaml (25.6 KB)
Main.xaml (24.0 KB)
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