I am using Flow Switch activity. If i wish to have a ‘Case’ to match either string, how could i do it?
Example, how to achieve this?
Case: pen OR pencil
I am using Flow Switch activity. If i wish to have a ‘Case’ to match either string, how could i do it?
Example, how to achieve this?
Case: pen OR pencil
Hope this helps!!
You have to give your string to be tested under the EXPRESSION property of the flow switch
Then define each cases. Note: Cases are case sensitive, ie: Pen and pen are 2 different cases.
Thanks amithvs.
Is it possible that i have pen Or pencil in 1 case.
meaning using only 1 case to match either pen or pencil
Try this
Thanks amithvs.
Any possibilities to match pen OR pencil using only 1 case.
By using FLOW switch I dont think so, as the case will accept only string input even if we put Pen OR Pencil, bot will take "“Pen OR Pencil” as the case string.
I suggest you to use normal IF condition where you have the flexibility to use multiple Conditions within a single statement.
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