Does anyone have a way to do this with holidays, I have tried business day calculator such as and but its not what I wanted. Can forum users share how they manage to get first business day of the week after holidays , Saturday and sunday.
Then use if or switch to find the date is holiday or not.
This logic cant be applied to the next day of the week, im trying to find out first day of the business week not the next day of the business week too.
GetNthDayOfNthWeek.xaml (8.2 KB)
Check this one and convert as you want it
Hi @sarathi125 @kadiravan_kalidoss I am not able to get first business day of the week. The trigger to start an 2nd set of applications after the 1st set of applications on normal business days. The conditions are running after the holiday days and weekends which is falls on the first business day of the week.
I hope the explanations are able to get an expert/master to help me on my workflow.
Thank you.