I hope you are doing well. I have a scenario. I think it’s a known one. If you can help me with the solution.
How to find out one text from the entire Datatable , Datatable is not having any column header.
Suppose the value is “Sourav”. Need to find it from a Datatable. We don’t know in which column this value would be available, and also we don’t have any column header name.
Convert you datatable to text with ‘Output Data Table’ activity and then find the value.
existe = myoutput.Contains(“Sourav”)
Largest, find row by row for all columns by position 0,1…
existe = myDatatable.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r) r(0).Tostring.Contains(“Sourav”) OrElse r(1).Tostring.Contains(“Sourav”) OrElse … )