i have a set of numbers they are 2,13,8,29,10. From these numbers i want to find largest prime number can anyone help me please.
largestPrime = 0
numbers = {2, 13, 8, 29, 10}
For Each:
item in numbers
isPrime = True
For Each:
num in Enumerable.Range(2, Math.Sqrt(item) - 1)
item Mod num = 0
isPrime = False
Break (exit the inner For Each loop)
isPrime = True And item > largestPrime
largestPrime = item
Write Line:
"largestPrime: " + largestPrime
Try this:
result = numbers.Where(Function(d) IsPrime(d)).Max()
Hey @sandhyareddy
I have uploaded the solution below
Hope it helps you
test.zip (954.1 KB)
just hover on For each activity and check if it is string or int
Can you send your sequence here, so that i can check and rectify it
Because the process which i did is working perfectly
So can u please send it here
You can simply use this in an assign activity to get the maximum prime number
result = numbers.Where(Function(d) IsPrime(d)).Max()
IsPrime is a variable or default key
It’s a function. Use invoke code activity to write this code and call this function
Dim IsPrime As Func(Of Integer, Boolean) = Function(n)
If n <= 1 Then Return False
If n = 2 Then Return True
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then Return False
Dim sqrtN As Integer = CInt(Math.Sqrt(n))
For i As Integer = 3 To sqrtN Step 2
If n Mod i = 0 Then Return False
Return True
End Function
is not a default key or variable. Instead, it is likely to be a custom function created by the developer to determine whether a given number is prime.
Also u can use create a IsPrime Variable and give a logic to it
Something like this
for (int i = 2; i < number; i++) {
if (number % i == 0) {
IsPrime = false;
First change PrimeNumbers to Int32, then re add for each activity and in list of items enter the variable PrimeNumbers. This will convert it to UiPath.Core.Activities.ForEach<System.Int32>
Hi @sandhyareddy ,
Could you check the below Expression :
{2, 13, 8, 29, 10}.Where(Function(n)Enumerable.Range(2, CInt(Math.Sqrt(CDbl(n))) - 1).All(Function(d)n mod d <> 0)).Max
Visuals :
We can substitute the hard coded array with an array variable.
Thankyou! Got it.
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