I have a list of words that was given to me in an excel. I need to iterate through them and each word needs to be used as a search word in a PDF file that I have. My process works fine however, it pulls in words that have the search word in it.
EX: search word: media
search results: immediately
I want it to only find the words media and ignore any other examples where the word is part of or embedded in another larger word.
@atarantino Instead of Reading row by row after reading excel follow below steps.
1.Convert Excel Datatable to String (Use OutPut data table activity)
2.After converting apply regex to string output table activity.
3.Count number of matched words
Go to imports and ass system.text.regularExpressions in it…imports is at the bottom of your studio beside arguments
Instead of currentRow use currentRow("ColumnName").ToString …you cannot give row…you need to give a single value in the row which you want to search can be like currentRow("Word").ToString