Hello everyone,
currently I am facing a challenge when using querys via the Orchestrator API (Swagger).
General Information
Generally, we have a standard logging-scheme for robots which includes the following three transaction end-states:
- “Processing status: Successful”
- “Processing status: Business Rule Error”
- “Processing status: Technical Error”
The corresponding status is logged by every robot after each transaction with the activity Log-Message.
Actual Challenge
We decided to use a script via VBA so we can post API-Request towards the Orchestrator-API. This way we want to generate a reporting, which summarizes the accumulated amount of each processing status for a given period of time for each robot.
For example:
Period of Time: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Robot: Example-Robot
Count for Successful: 350
Count for Business Rule Error: 100
Count for Technical Error: 50
When trying to query the count for the different states we use the following filter-function:
Filter: (Contains(Message,‘Verarbeitungsstatus’) and Contains(Message,‘erfolgreich’))
Select: Message
RequestURL: https://exampleURL.de/odata/RobotLogs?%24filter=(Contains(Message%2C’Processing status’)%20and%20Contains(Message%2C’Successful’))&%24select=Message&%24count=true
Unfortunately the results still include Log-Messages with other states. For example:
“@odata.context”: “https://exampleURL.de/odata/$metadata#RobotLogs(Message)”,
“@odata.count”: 4,
“value”: [
“Message”: “Processing status: Successful”
“Message”: "Processing status: Successful "
“Message”: “Processing status: Technical Error”
“Message”: “Processing status: Business Rule Error”
Is there somebody who knows how to handle this?
Thanks so far!