I have 2 variables containing the dates for week start and week end “str_prevSunday” and “str_prevSaturday”
all I want is to filter out the data from “Created” Column between these 2 dates from a datatable
I have this data in datatable
Assuming “dt” is your datatable
Use following LINQ expression in assign:
dt = (From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Where row("Created").ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") >= str_prevSunday
And row("Created").ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") <= str_prevSaturday
Select row).CopyToDataTable
You are missing a closing bracket
Check data types of your “str_prev…”
Is it string variable?
any idea? or any other way to get this done?
Most likely the “created” column is a “date” value in the excel, which is in fact a “floating-point number whose integral component is the number of days before or after midnight, 30 December 1899, and whose fractional component represents the time on that day divided by 24” - see DateTime.ToOADate Method (System) | Microsoft Learn
Therefore to compare with your start/end date you need convert to same type, OADate.
The following expression should work:
(From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Where row("Created").ToString >= str_prevSunday.ToOADate.ToString And row("Created").ToString <= str_prevSaturday.ToOADate.ToString
Select row).CopyToDataTable
What we do see in Excel is not mandatory the same in datatable after readin the Excel.
So lets inspect by following:
- set a breakpoint after the readin the excel data
- debug and pause on the breakpoint
- open watch panel / immediate panel
- type in
and share the output with us (e.g. screenshot)
- type in
Based on this we can do a suggestion individually to your case
Also check out this acitivity:
Thanks @J0ska
The following worked for me.
(From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Where row(“Created”).ToString >= CDate(str_prevSunday.ToString) And row(“Created”).ToString <= CDate(str_prevSaturday).ToString
Select row).CopyToDataTable
with ToOADate there was some error saying ToOADate is not a string method
Sure! ToOADate is method of DateTime data type, not String. My bad
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