Filter numeric values only using Filter Activity


I have various filters I need to perform on a rather large dataset. I’m running into an issue where UiPath is getting stuck on reading my datatable. I’m attempting to use the filter activity. Is there a way to filter on numeric values only? I need to exclude Not in Booking, Prebooking, and Prior Period Booking from the column, but I’m having trouble doing that with filter activity since it only allows for two selections.

Could do it with a LINQ


(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Where chk
Select r=d).CopyToDataTable

Handling empty results
:ambulance: :sos: [FirstAid] Handling of The source contains no DataRows exception - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum

Maybe you can share some sample data,so we can help more specific

Eg.with a

chk = d(“YourColName”).toString.Trim.IsNumeric

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hi @jenn.cruz ,
Could you please share your file?


I cannot share my file because it has some privileged information, but I can share the below:

For this particular step, I need to exclude Not in Booking, Prebooking, and Prior Period booking. I thought it may be easier to filter to only show numeric values.


have you tried filter get only numeric value first to get cloneData
then filter this data

No I have not. I’m extremely new to utilizing UiPath. Could you walk me through how to do that?

My idea
you read file to get data table → data
then filter get only numeric value → dataClone

then filer data Clone

Thank you. I’m trying to search for an alternate route that won’t require me to read a datatable. Because of my file size, UiPath is unable to read the data into a datatable. It just keeps spinning.

I think this solution can help you

You can try it

hope it help

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