I need to get mail subject contains ‘Argentina’ with filtering other unread emails and save only the pdf files in that email.
can anyone please help me with this flow?
Thanks in advance
Hi @abivanth.r
You can use the Get IMAP Mail Message activity or Get Outlook Mail message activity to retrieve the mails.
→ Filter expression to get the mail with ‘Argentina’ subject.
"[Subject] = 'Argentina'"
→ Open the properties of activity and find the Filter option give the above expression in filter.
→ In the properties check the Only Unread messages option.
Hope it helps!!
not getting any errors. but not the output too.
The subject is ‘Argentina Facturación SEP2023’ and there are other Aregntina emails for OCT,NOV…
How can I filter the argentina emails only and save the pdf’s
Okay @abivanth.r
Then the Argentina contains in every subject.
If yes, then you have to use the below filter expression in filter option,
"@SQL=""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" like '%Argentina%'"
Hope you understand!!
And for saving the pdf attachment?
Thanks for the help
Okay go it… @abivanth.r
→ Use the for each activity to iterate the output variable of Get outlook or Get IMAP Mail message activity which iterates the each mail.
→ Inside for each insert the Save attachments activity to save the attachment in the mails in a folder.
→ Give the Path of the folder where you want to save the file in Folder path option in properties of Save attachments activity.
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!
Hi Ji.
Did this and I only need PDF attachments.
there are excel and image attachments too. How can I only get PDF attachments?
Are you retrieving the mails from Gmail or Outlook… @abivanth.r
In the save attachments properties you have a filter option. Provide filter as a string “.pdf” .
Retrieving the mails from Outlook…
Does the outlook application is downloaded in your local machine… @abivanth.r
If you confirm it then we can plan to use Outlook activities.
yes it is.
Thanks for the help bro.
In save attachment there is a filter option and i provider the string “.pdf”
It worked.
Thanks for your time
Helped me …
No problem. Anytime:)
It’s my pleasure… @abivanth.r
Happy Automation!!
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