Filter Datatable using Variable valule

From my end I can confirm, that XAML above is doing filtering with Variable used in Filter table activity
@sureshj issue solved so far?
@loginerror I checked some scenarios and can give feedback that most of failure cases the combination
Excel (Read X) - DataTable - Filter Table were involved, escpecially when filtered column were more of an mixed type of values (strings, numbers, null mixes)

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Thanks for the reply.

This modified file is working now, I did the same thing yesterday.
And tried in my file to with iteration it’s working fine now.
As mention before is not working fine at all the time.

Thank You so much @loginerror @ppr for response and support. :blush:

Suresh J

@ppr @loginerror

I too face some scenarios in filter Datatable, it will not work and if we replace with new filter Datatable it will work fine in old Studio versions.

Suresh J

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