I have extracted the data from web as 12/09/2019 and stored in one Argument (eg.Create_date)
Now I have one excel file (attached image)and I need to filter in order create calender date column the date as per that extracted date. Please help me with some of solution.
Thanks for ur response.
Can it be done with filter wizard… as i need to filter other column too. But i am stuck in date column. Its not taking properly
where in read range mention the range as “A8” and enable ADD HEADERS in the property panel and once after filtering and while mention the range in WRITE RANGE activity mention as “A8” with sheetname as “Report”
Hi Please find attached .Xaml file and could you please let me know the solution. As I can see If I am giving date filter Condtion It’s not printing anything. Without date filter It’s Fine.
Please try the below:
use For Each Row Activity:
YouDataTable=YourDataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) (row(“ColumnName”).ToString >= S4_Create_Date.ToString)).CopyToDataTable
let me know if it works