Filter Data table having Date column

Hi All,

Could you please help me for below scenario:-

I have extracted the data from web as 12/09/2019 and stored in one Argument (eg.Create_date)
Now I have one excel file (attached image)and I need to filter in order create calender date column the date as per that extracted date. Please help me with some of solution.


What does the filter need to do?

As far as adding the column if you want it in the A column (used as an example can be used for any field) you can use the following commands:

  1. Select Range - “A:A”
  2. Send Hotkey - Ctrl + “+”
  3. Write Cell - “A8” with text “Extracted Date”
  4. Then for every row in B that is a date field right extracted date.

There are also hotkey’s you can use to compy the formating over.

Thanks for ur response.
Can it be done with filter wizard… as i need to filter other column too. But i am stuck in date column. Its not taking properly


You most likely can use the filter wizard, but you would need to read the file as a data table first by using a read range activity.

Yes… and If I am giving condition in filter wizard , Its not working… may be some date format isaue or data type issue I dont know.

did we try with this method

where in read range mention the range as “A8” and enable ADD HEADERS in the property panel and once after filtering and while mention the range in WRITE RANGE activity mention as “A8” with sheetname as “Report”

Cheers @keshav

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My conceen is I need to filter on data table in column order create calender date which i ll get after reading the excel

Sequence_Test_Filter.xaml (13.8 KB)


Hi Please find attached .Xaml file and could you please let me know the solution. As I can see If I am giving date filter Condtion It’s not printing anything. Without date filter It’s Fine.


Please try the below:
use For Each Row Activity:
YouDataTable=YourDataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) (row(“ColumnName”).ToString >= S4_Create_Date.ToString)).CopyToDataTable
let me know if it works

@keshav please try this code[Sequence_Test_Filter.xaml|attachment]Sequence_Test_Filter.xaml (8.3 KB)

@Sheefu Thank you…

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