i have Read Range from Excel and put into a DataTable, now i want to use the Filter Data Table activities to filter out the Date.
But it can’t work, the output data table still 0.
i have Read Range from Excel and put into a DataTable, now i want to use the Filter Data Table activities to filter out the Date.
But it can’t work, the output data table still 0.
Could you please check if that row is present in that particular column or not!
and also have a view on this docs about filter data table
Hi @Likesh_Lim
Check With the Date format coming out from the excel and then use the filter condition !
Use For each row and print the date column and use the format in filter datatable!
Hi Calvin, i have check, and i put as “10/03/2021 00:00:00”, but still return 0 row
Hi Thiru,
Already check, yes the data is presented in Column
Have a view on this thread
Hi @Likesh_Lim
Can you check whether the input date contains any other extra white spaces
Hi Robin,
Nope, this is the output.
Hi Nani,
So meaning there’s no way to using the Filter Activities to do it?
Can you share your input excel
Hi @Likesh_Lim ,
You can convert the date format and remove the trailing Zero’s and then apply a filter, this would give you the results.
Hi Tandon,
Did you mean change in the excel or the datatable? is there any example that converting datatable column format directly?
Hi @Likesh_Lim
Actually we need your excel file so that only we can figure out where the issue came from
Can you share your excel file with dummy data …
Hi @Likesh_Lim ,
instead of filter data table activity you could use the below expression assign activity and store the result into another data table ad check if you are getting correct output. please try and let us know. thanks.
FinalDatatable = YourDatatable.Select(“[Posting Date] = ‘10/03/2021’”).CopyToDataTable
BankStatement_Dummy.xlsx (23.6 KB)
Hi Robin, as requested, thanks for the help
Hi @Likesh_Lim ,
Could you pls add single quotes manually in your studio instead of copy the expression some times copy from the forum making some different quotes. just use suggestion from my expression but manually write double quote and single quote in studio assign activity to resolve the issue. Find the attached work flow for your reference. thanks.
FilterDemo.zip (2.3 KB)
Hi @Likesh_Lim
replace the equals sign into Contains
now the filter condition works perfectly
hope it solves your issue
Thanks everyone for the help and Suggestion, appreciated =)
Robin Solution works, just change to “contains” .
But still , thanks for others helping too