I’m attempting to read a data table in from an excel sheet, and read a particular column to detect any blank criteria. When these blank rows in the DT are detected, i then need to populate a column to the right of the blank rows with text information.
Refering to the example below, i’ve provided a visual example of what i need to happen. I’ve already used a read range activity to bring the entire target excel sheet in as a data table, now i’m attempting to filter it. But it won’t work at the minute.
Yes, that’s correct. The table is read in ok using a read range activity, but I need to filter it to target blank entries in the ‘A’ column. Once I have those blank rows, it needs to enter text into the “AB” Column but only for the ones that are blank, too.
At this moment, my robot is still running on debugger mode. I Think the problem is that it hasn’t correctly identified which rows are blank and is instead looping through each row, which the workbook has up to 900 rows.
@TommyHudd - Are you writing the datatable back to Excel file after adding the value?
In the above solution we are trying to add data to datatable. now to reflect those changes in excel file you have to write the datatable back to excel file.
are you using Write Range activity to write datatable back to excel file ??