Filter Data Table and get only specific columns data

Hi , I have a scenario where There is a excel file with many columns for Ex: ColumnA to ColumnCD
In that I want to filter on one column lets say column D,
and get the filtered data from Excel (Only specific columns data Ex: Column A, ColumnD, ColumnR Etc)
and I need to paste this range of data to a word file…

Please help me on this

one of many options:

  • filter DataTable Activity - output: dtFiltered

  • Assign Activity:
    arrCols | DataType: String Array =
    new String(){“ColumnA”,“ColumnD”,“ColumnR”}

  • Assign Activity:
    dtSmall = dtFiltered.DefaultView.ToTable(false, arrCols )

Hi @MEGHA_cs

Use filter DataTable activity, apply filter on column D, in Output Rows section.

In output Columns, keep only Column A, Column D, Column R.

Thanks @adiijaiin ,

How to paste this data range into word document?

Hi @MEGHA_cs

You can install UiPath.Word.Activities:
in there you will find an activity to insert DataTable:

Happy Automation

Thanks @adiijaiin ,

If I want to copy the same range in PDF?

You Can use the Save Doucment as PDF activity.

Put a filter in the excel itself and use preserve format to read filtered values and then insert datatable in word should do the trick

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