Hello guys i have an excel
- First i want to check the Net column If the net column is zero then it should check for the gross and return premium if that also is zero i want to remove the column and rewrite on the same excel
Hello guys i have an excel
Get the excel data to a datatable say dt_Data, here is the LinQ query
dt_Data = dt_data.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) Not (CDbl(row("NET")) = 0 AndAlso CDbl(row("GROSS PREMIUM")) = 0 AndAlso CDbl(row("RETURN PREMIUM"))= 0 )).CopyToDataTable
And write the data table to the result sheet(Make sure to clear the sheet)
Could you please elaborate more on the requirement? Please clarify following questions
If your requirement is to remove all rows that have zero value in below three columns
Gross Premium
Return Premium
Let me know if my understanding is correct. Or if you need more details
I have tried this but its not working
As you need to write on excel…if you read and perform the deletion in datatable and then write it might retain the old data as well…two ways here
In first option delete rows might not work inside for loop…if so save the row number and then loop through those numbers and use delete range inside…make sure to order the numbers from highest to lowest
Hope this helps
I have used remove datarow inside excelscope in if condition, and writing into a new sheet but data is not filtering all the data is writing into the sheet
If you read the options correctly…using clear sheet is mandatory to use second option
Not sure why you are using excel app scope inside again if you are removing data from datatable
Did you try this?
What is wrong here?
Thankyou guys
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