Fill missing data in excel - Replace "?"


I have the excel where I need to check if we have missing value in the column “Profit”. The missing value is denoted by a “?” as shown below. I then need to replace the value “?” only in the “Profit” column by the value in the “Total” column.

Raw Data:

Preprocessed Data:

Can anyone help me please?

UIPath_Excel_Scratch (4).xlsx (20.2 KB)

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Check below (53.8 KB)

Mark as solution if this help you


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use read range activity to store this entire data into a datatable. Now for each row, check if row.item(“Profit”).ToString() = “?”, then assign row.item(“Profit”) = row.item(“Total”)

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Thanks again!

Welcome. You can write the datatable back to excel sheet after these modifications. Hope it helped you.

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