[FEATURE REQUEST] List of undo / redo / actions done


It would be nice to have a list of previous, undoable (and redoable) actions in the style of what Microsoft (and many other applications) offer, as a drop-down over the “Undo”/“Redo” buttons themselves.

Sometimes we try undo, and we see no reaction from Studio, and we don’t know if it did anything at all. Some other times we see an (*) in our current open tab, and we have no idea what we touched, if we did anything at all, and we save the file because of fear of losing some relevant change, but that could potentially screw the state of the file in case we pressed some key without noticing, and all. In that case, a list of what the last actions were would be useful, too.

Also, it would serve as a guide of what was the 1st action we did during the session and when there’s nothing else to UNDO or REDO, as Studio always keep those buttons “on” even when it seems there’s nothing else to accomplish there.

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Indeed, this would be nice. Thanks for your suggestion. We already have such capability on our backlog but no estimate yet when it can be ready.

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