Facing this error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

Hi ,

I am facing this error HRESULT: 0x800A03EC when I am trying to open excel through excel application component,
for which I have implemented code
1 - implemented kill process component before excel application activity
2 - implemented another process to kill excel(attached in screenshot) inside excel application activity

command - taskkill /f /fi ""SESSION eq “+strSessionID + “”” /im "+ proc + “.exe”

Let me know how to solve this issue other than this two methods
thanks in advance

@Kondagari_Mounika Can you share the screenshot of kill process activity.Also, try to open the same file with workbook activity and check the results

Hello @Kondagari_Mounika

Can you use Kill process activity.


The excel might be corrupted…

In this case will suggest you to use Workbook activities instead of excel
