I have two different excel file(Country , State) so i want to extract the using both the excel files.
i want the output like image i have uploaded and i have also uploaded the two excel file Country.xlsx (8.4 KB) State.xlsx (8.3 KB)
Hi @sunain_chahar,
please follow these steps.
1- Read both files in different datatables.
2-build datatable for your desirable datatable for your output.
3-use loop in first file datatable and inside loop use add row(output datatable which you have built through build datatable)
4-repeat 3 step for 2nd file
Prepare target DataTable with build datatable and model an empty datatable with the cols, Country, State, City - dtResult
Assign Activity:
dtResult =
(From d1 In dtCountryState.AsEnumerable
Let mtc = dtStateCity.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (d2) d2("State").toString.Trim.ToUpper.Equals(d1("State").toString.Trim.ToUpper))
Let cts = String.Join(",", mtc.Select(Function (c) c("City").toString.Trim))
Let ra = New Object(){d1("Country"), d1("State"), cts}
Select r = dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
As informed by @ppr, you can work out the solution using the dictionary lookup approach.
Build the Output table template (dt_Output)
Read the input excel files (dt_Country, dt_State)
Create the Dictionary using the LINQ (StateCityDict)
From row In dt_State.AsEnumerable
Group row By k=row("State").ToString.Trim.ToUpper
Into grp = Group
Select Tuple.Create(k, String.Join("/", grp.Select(Function(gr) gr("City").ToString)))
).ToDictionary(Function(t) t.Item1, Function(t) t.Item2)
Iterate through each row of the dt_Country and add the data row to the output data table