Linq.xlsx (8.6 KB)
Sheet 1 consists of
Sheet 2 consists of
Need to compare the Task name and Activity with 28 and Hours columns and the result should be
If the task name and hours are not same then need to give not match else match need to give.
How to do this using linq query, please help…
For Each row1 As DataRow In dt1.Rows
For Each row2 As DataRow In dt2.Rows
If row1("Activity").ToString() = row2("Task Name").ToString() AndAlso row1("Hours").ToString() = row2("28").ToString() Then
row1("Status") = "Matched"
Exit For
row1("Status") = "Not matched"
End If
Assuming Status column will be available other have to use add data column activity before invoke code
Then read first excel as dtInput and read excel 2 as dt2
and then just filter
(From row In dtInput
Join row2 In dt2
On row("Task Name").ToString().Trim().ToUpper() Equals row2("Activity").ToString().Trim().ToUpper()
Let hours = If(row("Hours").ToString() = row2("Hours").ToString(), "Match", "Not Match")
Let ra = New Object(){row("Task Name"), row2("Hours"), hours}
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable