Hi @sayali_rokade
Alternative way
I read the pdf file using read pdf text and set the property PreseveFormatting to True

After that i got a output like below in the string format
Transaction List
Date / Date Range: 2021.04.01 - 2021.04.30
Debit / Credit : All
Account Details
Bank Name MUFG Bank Account Type CURRENT ACCOUNT
Branch Name Mumbai Branch Account No. 009482
Currency INR IBAN
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Sort by: Booking Date *: Intraday transaction red: Canceled
Transaction List
No. Booking Date Debit Credit Opening / Closing Balance Transaction Customer Bank Detail Information
(Value Date) Type Reference Reference
1 2021.04.09 670,673.29 Opening Balance
2 2021.04.09 1,500.00 Miscellaneous COMMISSION TTS-122235-00
3 2021.04.09 4,026.24 Miscellaneous GST AND FCC TTS-122235-00
4 2021.04.09 5,526.24 0.00 665,147.05 Closing Balance
5 2021.04.19 665,147.05 Opening Balance
6 2021.04.19 23,014.00 Miscellaneous INTTRFRFD 5834 FDR-005834-00
7 2021.04.19 0.00 23,014.00 688,161.05 Closing Balance
8 2021.04.23 688,161.05 Opening Balance
9 2021.04.23 1,500.00 Miscellaneous IMPORT PAYMENT TTS-010541-00
10 2021.04.23 5,177.86 Miscellaneous GST FCC IMP PAY TTS-010541-00
11 2021.04.23 6,677.86 0.00 681,483.19 Closing Balance
12 2021.04.26 681,483.19 Opening Balance
13 2021.04.26 39,123.00 Miscellaneous NETINTONFD 5835 FDR-005835-00
14 2021.04.26 0.00 39,123.00 720,606.19 Closing Balance
15 2021.04.30 720,606.19 Opening Balance
16 2021.04.30 18,725.00 Miscellaneous FBD-009133-00 3 PSFC INTEREST REFUND
Although MUFG Bank (the “Bank”) shall make every effort to ensure that entries are updated and accurate, the Bank shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any error, inac
curacy, delay or omission of data. The Bank further reserves the right to amend any entry without prior notice.
GCMS Plus User ID (as of): SAMEER 2021.05.14 14:26:56 [IND] Transaction List
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Sort by: Booking Date *: Intraday transaction red: Canceled
Transaction List
No. Booking Date Debit Credit Opening / Closing Balance Transaction Customer Bank Detail Information
(Value Date) Type Reference Reference
17 2021.04.30 0.00 18,725.00 739,331.19 Closing Balance
Although MUFG Bank (the “Bank”) shall make every effort to ensure that entries are updated and accurate, the Bank shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any error, inac
curacy, delay or omission of data. The Bank further reserves the right to amend any entry without prior notice.
GCMS Plus User ID (as of): SAMEER 2021.05.14 14:26:56 [IND]
Then i use generate data table activity
And i am able to get the data in required format.