Extracting specific excel column data

Hi there,

I’m having problem in extracting data from specific excel sheet columns.
This is what I want to achieve:
If Column “Department” has value “IT” and column “Designation” contains any of these string- “Developer” or “Software Developer”.
If condition is true copy that particular data (sorted data based on above filter condition) into separate file.


You can use filter datatable activity. Or else you can try like this

Your newdatatable=dt.Select(“[Department]=‘IT’ And [Designation]=‘Developer’ OR [Designation]=‘Software Developer’”). copytodatable


Getting this error: Assign: Syntax error: Missing operand after ‘Status’’ operator.

Hi @aman_sheik thanks for your help.
As you said I used filter datatable activity. As I want to extract data from multiple files based on above filter, there are 5 files, if a file does not have any matching records (based on filter datatable condition), I need to create a separate file File Not Found and copy the name of empty file in the sheet. What should I do to achieve this? I think there is some problem in my if condition.
As I’m a new user I cant upload my xaml file for your reference.


You can check if condition (if activity) filterdatatable.rows.count>0 then you have some data after filter then you can update asusually what you are doing.

Else you create a file Excel application scope and create the file and in write range or write cell activity you can write item.getfilename +“has no data”

Item.getfilename > I hope anyway ur looping for each file there you can give like this (item.getfilename) by using that loop

Hope this helps!!!

Aman Sheik.

I need to achieve this:

  1. If Column " Item Changed " is “Employee Status” and column " New Value " contains Hire or Rehire

  2. If Column " Item Changed " is “Full/Part Time Status” and column " New Value " could be “Full Time, Part Time or Part Time - Casual”.
    This how my filter looks like:

Is it right or wrong?

And based on this I have to copy that particular data into separate file. (what should be the if condition, else copy the name of empty file in the sheet.

Try this

IF Condition:

outputDt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(row As DataRow) (row.Item(“ITEM CHANGED”).ToString.Equals(“Employee Status”) And (row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Hire”) Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Rehire”))) Or (row.Item(“ITEM CHANGED”).ToString.Equals(“Full/Part Time Status”) And (row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Full Time”) Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Part Time”)Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Part Time - Casual”)))).Any()

Copy to newDT based on filter:

outputDt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(row As DataRow) (row.Item(“ITEM CHANGED”).ToString.Equals(“Employee Status”) And (row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Hire”) Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Rehire”))) Or (row.Item(“ITEM CHANGED”).ToString.Equals(“Full/Part Time Status”) And (row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Full Time”) Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Part Time”)Or row.Item(“NEW VALUE”).ToString.Equals(“Part Time - Casual”)))).CopyToDataTable()

This one will work. You can use this @samarth_p :slight_smile:

Kudos to @aman_sheik

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