Extracting Datatables from Queue

I have seen a lot of varying questions surrounding queue items and how they should be extracted. My question is this:

I add a datatable variable to the queue using the ‘Bulk Add Queue Items’ activity which should create a datatable equivalent for this queue item.
How do I then get this queue item in its entirety into a datatable again for the bot the then process?

I currently have the following in my process workflow:

^ Do While
^ Get Transaction Item (extracts item as a ‘QueueItem’ variable)

I now need to convert that ‘QueueItem’ variable into a datatable variable



You will have to deserialize the JSON. Use like this.

DT = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Datatable)(QueueItem.SpecificContent("your datatable key").ToString)

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi @elliot.barling

Check the below thread for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

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