Hey community ! I sould extract a Table from PDF and put it in csv format I tried a lot of activitivies but it doesn’t work (it gaves me an unstructured csv file) can you please help me Thank you guys!
We used Omnipage Ultimate OCR to convert unstructured PDF to excel files. It works good with unstructured data.
Hey! thank you @ashoks93 but I just wanna know if there is any solution by using uiPath ?
Is the PDF , native or scanned
If the PDF is native, you can use regular expressions and form a table.
Thank you @anil5 I’m working on it right now I hope I can solve this problem
Once you are able to read PDF the you can build one datatable and just by split/other string manipulation activities you can add those values into new data table and then write that Data table to csv.
Thank a lot @Divyashreem but can you please help me with more details ?
Sure Can i get one sample PDF>?
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