ExtractFiles activity failling to unzip a file

Hi, I’ve got a zip file that is failing to unzip. I get the following error:
Extract/Unzip Files from zip folder to unzip folder: File “File1.PDF” is compressed in an unsupported format. To extract all support files, set the ‘Skip unsupported files’ setting to true.

The PDF file it is saying is unsupported is one of the files within the zip file I am unzipping, so I’m not sure why it appears to be trying to unzip a file within the zip file?

The process is working for other zip files containing PDF files, so this seems to be a specific issue with this zip file.

Any suggestions on what may be happening?


Do you have issues when doing it manually?

No, I don’t, it’s strange.

My workaround for the moment is running a bash script to unzip if an error is thrown. Not ideal but it’s working for the moment.

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That’s a nice workaround you have tried
But can you give a try with another zip file and check if you are getting the same error?


Hi, thanks, yeah I’ve ran the process with ~50 zip files and it’s working for all but this 1 file. I can’t seem to figure out what the issue is!

It’s clearly isolated to this specific file, but can’t pin down the issue. It’s unzipping file with the windows explorer extractor and 7-Zip.


Can you open File1.PDF and have it load into Acrobat? Are there any issues - i.e. does it ask for a password?

Almost seems like the PDF is compressed but the extension wasn’t changed.

Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, all files within the zip open fine. It’s definitely a weird one…