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used this serive URL " https://westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com and my key got expired thats why its not working think so :frowning: in your system you getting output for valid Cv key ?

Yes…But you told right you have again created an account.

Yes it will work with valid key.


Used friend key which he created, I don’t know when he created it.
Anyhow thank lot🙂 your supported lot🙂

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Oh might be it is expired. But you can try by creating a Microsoft Azure account in this use cognitive services.

Sure once I done . I get you back🙂& are you working as RPA developer?

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Yes… Sure Np…You can reach me for help.

Okay thank-you :slightly_smiling_face:

hi @Snehamayi_Sneha
by using following steps i generated key and worked on it.Create a Cognitive Services resource in the Azure portal - Azure Cognitive Services | Microsoft Learn
but facing error as like this! :frowning:image
how should i take it forward !?
