Extract Tag name from XML and store it in a key of dictionary

Hi All,

My requirement is to get the XML Tag name from XML .(not value).

ex: If Bala

I want to get the firstname in a variable.

Actually there is no gettagbyname attribute in uipath, that causing my life so tougher…please assist asap.

Have you checked the following activity -

Karthik Byggari

GetTagByName is JAVAScript method available to get the values from the XML tags, similarly we have lot of methods like, attributes and elements to get the values.

If you post the XML you have, that will be useful to give you the brief about the values you are trying to get

Thank You Karthik, I used this idea, but it extracetd entire Tag. I want inly tag name

So, actually its simple: xmldoc.ELement(“FirstName”).Name gives u the tag name

If the child elemnt is an array, use another for loop inside the forloop of parent elemnt.

Thank You so much!!

Thank You Hareesh, I simply used below idea.

So, actually its simple: xmldoc.ELement(“FirstName”).Name gives u the tag name

If the child elemnt is an array, use another for loop inside the forloop of parent elemnt.

Thank You so much!!