I need to take a value from two CSV columns, loop through each row one at a time, and write the results in Notepad. I have already used Read CSV to convert CSV into Dt. From here I have a For Each Row activity but am a little confused as to where to go from here.
I need to extract InvoiceNumber and InvoiceAmount, write them to Notepad, then loop through each row doing the same thing until there no more rows to process.
hope these steps would help you resolve this
–hope we have the datatable ready named dt
–now use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass the above variable dt as input
–inside the loop use a assign activity like this str_checkamount = row(“CheckAmount”).ToString
and another assign activity str_InvoiceNumber= row(“InvoiceNumber”).ToString
and final assign activity like this str_InvoiceAmount= row(“InvoiceAmount”).ToString
where all these variables are variable of type string
–now use a write text file activity where pass the file path as we want and in the input mention these three like this str_InvoiceNumber+" “+“str_checkamount”+” "+str_InvoiceAmount
and if we want to create separate notepad file for each row one by one
then along the file path mention like this “yourfolderpath”+“\'+“yourfilename”+”_“+now.tostring(“hhmmss”)+”.txt"
of “yourfolderpath”+“\'+“yourfilename”+”_“+str_Checkamount.ToString+”.txt"
I actually have that exact part done. However, instead of writing to a text file, I need to store the row variables, then begin another subprocess to enter the line variables into another application.
Essentially, I am:
Staring the loop on the first dt row,
extracting the 3 variables,
processing them in another workflow instead of entering them into Notepad (ie: entering each into another application),
coming back to the dt and taking the same 3 variables from the second row and doing the same thing until there are no more rows with data in the dt
Would you be able to provide any additional info on how to perform this? Thanks again!
I hope that clears up my situation a little better.
subprocess means another workflow file (like a xaml file) or a sequence of activities
no not necessary buddy
within the for each row loop itself we can use a IF condition like this String.IsNullOrEmpty(row(“Checkamount”).ToString)
if true if will go to THEN part where we can have all those assign and further activities or it will go to ELSE part where we can leave it empty so that it will iterate to the next row or we can use BREAK activity to get out of iteration and the process will stop after that row