Greetings, Community! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
I need to get a list of CSVs from a folder, for each file I need to extract the values from two of the columns (C & D), and assign them variables to be used in another process.
I will be extracting one InvoiceNumber and InvoiceAmount in the spreadsheet, using them in a process, then repeating the process with the second set of InvoiceNumber and InvoiceAmount in the same CSV file until there are no values left. Once I have done that for one CSV, I would repeat the same process with the next CSV file in the folder.
So for your scenario… You can follow the below steps
Use an assign activity to get the file paths to a string array. You can get the file paths using the below query
Directory.GetFiles(“Your File Path”).
This will add the file paths of all the files in that folder to a string array.
Now use a For Each activity to loop through the file paths you extracted
Inside the loop, use a read csv activity and provide the “item” variable as the file location in read csv. Read the data onto a datatable
Now you can loop through the data table and get the value you need to perform your tasks. You can use a For Each Row to loop through the data table. This has to be done inside the For Each loop because we have to loop through the set of files.