Hello Guys,
is there a good regex fonction to extract phone number ( Tél) :
mmmmmmm Tél : 01 02 02 03 04 khhkjhkhhkh
Hello Guys,
is there a good regex fonction to extract phone number ( Tél) :
mmmmmmm Tél : 01 02 02 03 04 khhkjhkhhkh
hi @abdel
worked for me
mm__m5555:mmmm Tél : 01 02 02 03 04 khhkjii454_hkhhkh also?
i want to extract only the “Tél : 01 02 02 03 04”
i know that for US there is a regex Match formulat to extract the mobile phoe
to get the phone number only is: (?<=Tél : )(.*)(?= )
it does not work, for exemple for “a,klkjojjp2kjlkj- Tél : 01 02 03 04 05 avec jlkjlkjlkj” it gives 01 02 03 04 05 avec
Hi if the input is stored in a variable named strinput
Then use this expression in ASSIGN activity like this
str_output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(strinput.ToString,”(\d).+\s”).ToString.Trim
Cheers @abdel
i had used it but for example for a string like: “a,klkjojjp2kjlkj- Tél : 01 02 03 04 05 avec jlkjlkjlkj” it did not work;
Just a small correction
Use this expression instead with above mentioned one
Cheers @abdel
kindly give me a solid text so that I can frame accordingly
Changing the input might not work with Regex often
So based on the examples given so far
(?<=Tél :)\s(\d).+(?=avec)
Cheers @abdel
if i want to extract 01 49 30 3205 from
tél : 01 49 30 3205 fax : 01 41 21 15
(?<=tél :).*(?=fax)
but i prefere substring because fax is not Always present
will it be always Alphabets after number or numbers
yes because i’m extraction pdf information with OCR then i can expect any character after the tel number
(?<=tél :).*(?=\s[a-zA-z])
for all the possible ways you gave as inputs
here you with the expression
(?<=l :).[0-9\s0-9]*
in that case go for this one:
(?<=Tél :\s)([0-9 ]+)(?=\s)