Extract Invoice Number from Email Subject for workflow

Hi Everyone,

I want to extract the invoice number from email subject.

Email Subject:
Reply Requested: Bank Of India Corporation (BOIC High Grade Capital Markets 52103244HGPU)- Due By: 10/25/2025

I want to extract invoice number which will be floating: 52103244HGPU
Rest the email subject will be same


Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

Can you try the below





Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

As you said the rest of subject will be the same, you may try this way.

emailSubject = “Reply Requested: Bank Of India Corporation (BOIC High Grade Capital Markets 52103244HGPU)- Due By: 10/25/2025”

startPosition = emailSubject.IndexOf(“Markets”) + “Markets”.Length + 1
invoiceNumber = emailSubject.Substring(startPosition, 12)


you can try this

\w+(?=\)- Due By)


Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

Try this Regex


StrVar = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match("YourStrInput","(?<=Markets).*(?=\))").ToString.Trim

Gowtham K