Extract date from multiple urls and write into excel

Extract date from multiple urls and write into excel but date is dynamics in every urls,can i read by uipath. Because date format is different means may be 20-DEC-2020,Dec-20,20-12-20202 or many different formats.Please help me in this scenario

Hi @himanshur

Is the date embeded in the url or you want to get the date inside the website pages.


Happy learning :smiley:


i want to get the date inside the website pages.

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Hi @himanshur

If you have multiple url then loop every url using foreach or forearchrow and use GetTextActivity to get the value of date

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


get text activity only get specific data but if no data present in url then work my bot

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Hi @himanshur
ofcourse you can check first if that image exist or you can set the properties to continue on error if not found anything.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


Thanks for your prompt responses.

But let me explain you my requirement by sharing an URL - 2i Capital Part-Exits Pipavav Shipyard

In this weblink/article, I have several dates in different formats (such as September’06, October 2007, October 9, 2009, etc.).

All I need is the ability to extract different dates that are there in the article/URL.

Hmmm i see it is a hard one because you have different fomat of dates.Maybe what you can do is to explore the regex funtions and from that you can scrape the article and convert it to text file then issue the regex for the multiple format of dates.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


Please give me one example on url with code