I am scraping data from a website with datetime stamp as a column. I want to extract only the date portion and output to csv file.
I have tried using the filter data table function but cant seem to separate the outputs
Could you please share some more details, if possible some screenshot?
From the shipping history data table i am extracting the ship date column and inputting into a CSV file. However, the “ship date” shows as a datetime stamp and I only want the date portion and not the time
welcome back to forum
If u need only date part in the csv file u can use the below code in invoke code activity with dt1 datatable argument as In/Out
dt1.AsEnumerable().ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row(ColumnName)= CDate(row(ColumnDate).ToString).ToString(“dd/MM/yyyy”))
This would be good approach
Nived N
Happy Automation
I am very new to UiPath. Would you mind showing me an example of this ?
Hi @Jeff_Varghese
check this
Main.xaml (7.2 KB)
Change the column name according i had put it as “Date” for demonstartion
Hope the idea helps you
Nived N
Happy Automation