Extract Data from List of URLS

I have a list of URLS and I am able to navigate the urls one by one. Now all I need is to get the data from the url in csv or excel.

@Himank_Seth From where u r having list of url

I have scrapped this with uipath

The data is not on the page from where I have scrapped… but on the URL page that now I have.

Hi Himank,

So you’ve scraped a page and extracted the URL also. Then you navigate on each page(URL) and want to extract some information from there and save it in an excel.

The example below scrapes some information + URL from a certain webpage, then navigates on each URL and extracts the Date and put it in another column in the Excel:
test.xaml (17.5 KB)


how can I use this file in chrome or Firefox browser?

thanks a million

This is great thanks!