Extract all file names in a folder and need to write in an excel

I need to extract all file names in a folder and need to write in an excel , and also i need the total count of files in that folder


Check out the XAML file

19.10.2023_Forum_1.xaml (11.0 KB)


i am a beginner could uou please help me with what you have written in that array row field ?

In the Array it will get the file name without the extension


sorry for the confusion am gettin error on write range

You need to pass the Data table variable here.

Have you download and check this XAML file? @JOBIN_JOSE

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Check this image build the workflow.

  1. Build data table → Create an variable called DtInput

Test.xaml (10.9 KB)
i have tried but it is now showing obj ref




you have not pass the output variable for build datatable activity

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yes that was the mistake

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