Does anybody know what this error message means?
It pops up once I try to run a string data manipulation automation.
Thank you.
Does anybody know what this error message means?
It pops up once I try to run a string data manipulation automation.
Thank you.
Can you show us your expression of the Assign activity (Get author)?
Can you share your workflow?
Hi @lebravebiyo
Can you try add more details in your inquiry.As i can see you are splitting message that doesnt have a value on it.
Happy learning
Thank you for sharing your expression.
If message does not contain “author”, LastIndexOf method returns -1. Then Substring method does not accept negative value as argument. As a result “StartIndex cannot be less than zero” was occured.
Can you check if your message contains “author”?
If there is a possibility it does not contains it, perhaps you should handle for this case.
Where do I see if message contents author? In the sequence annotation?