Hello all,
My project involve steps to export data from a sharepoint to excel file.
The problem that I faced is when I exported the data, it was in iqy format. I need to change this to xlsx format. I see 2 options to get the info in the formal that I need:
- Open sharepoint → Export data into iqy → copy from iqy & paste to new excel (xlsx format) where I need to further do some data massaging (filtering, adding new column, deleting some row).
- Open new blank excel file → click ‘Data’ → click ‘Get Data’ → Click ‘From online services’ → Click ‘From sharepoint online lists’ → input URL & wait till data loaded into excel → save the file as xlsx
For option #1: I dont know how to perform copy all data in the sheet to a new black excel file. Since the data was in iqy i dont think i can use the ‘excel application scope’
For option #2: I cant find a way to open a new black excel file
I appreciate your input. Thank you.