Existing excel rows to datatable

I have an scenario where in an excel sheet i have 12 rows out of which 6 rows should be pushed in a datatable 1 and other 6 rows in a datatable 2 so on that if excel has 36 rows I should get 6 datatables. What will be the logic/workflow ? Or do we need to invoke any vb code?

Hi @Pogboom

We can’t create the variables dynamically as you said datatable1, datatable2 and so on.
But we can segregate the 6 rows in the one sheet and another six rows in another sheet.
If you are okay with the above statement then I’ll provide you the workflow.

Hope it helps!!


you can you use this query

dt1.AsEnumerable.Chunk(6).Select(Function(a) a.copytodatatable).tolist

output is list of datatables

dt2.AsEnumerable.Chunk(6).Select(Function(chunk) chunk.CopyToDataTable).ToList

  1. dt2.AsEnumerable: Converts a DataTable (dt2) into an enumerable sequence of DataRow objects.
  2. Chunk(6): Groups the DataRow objects into chunks of size 6. The Chunk method is assumed to be a custom extension method that is not part of the standard LINQ methods.
  3. Select(Function(chunk) chunk.CopyToDataTable): For each chunk of DataRow objects, converts the chunk into a DataTable using the CopyToDataTable method. CopyToDataTable is a standard method provided by DataTableExtensions class in System.Data namespace.
  4. ToList(): Converts the resulting sequence of DataTables into a List.

Yes please provide the workflow


refer this

Chunkdatatatables.zip (10.6 KB)

Okay @Pogboom

I have done the workflow for your query by using LINQ Expressions and Workbook activities.
Check the below workflow and output attached file for better understanding,

Workflow -
2024.xaml (18.2 KB)

Output file -
Dt__2.xlsx (21.0 KB)

Hope it helps!!