Can anyone show me a correct setup to run a stored procedure using Execute Query?? So I am attempting to perform a query in SQL using Execute Query activity but am receiving an error saying “Database does not exist”. However the name of the database that it is saying does not exist, is not the database name. Instead, it is cutting off my query, spitting out the first three words of it, and saying that this database does not exist. This is not the database, I connected to the database earlier in the workflow just fine.
Please give more details, what is the package and activity you are using and which database you are trying to connect.
Kindly have a view on this thread
Cheers @jpreziuso
Hi @jpreziuso
Try with attached xaml,change the server address,Username and Pwd based on your database.
SQL Database_Query Execution.xaml (5.6 KB)
Is that connect Activity Passed without any error? Only problem with execute query activty
Can I see your Connection String
Have you create Stored Procedure in your Sql DB check it one it available or not in your db
I have created the stored procedure and the connection is not an issue because I am able to connect and running SELECT queries prior to this. The only issue is with the stored procedure
Have you reteive data from you SQL server…in SQL server itelf … wrote code in SQL server which code are you put in execute query activity now…
Then we came to know where is the problem
Yes I have executed this query in SQL and seen it work
Then the problem with connection string or . database package version.
Change your database activity version in Uipath and try it …
If there possible to see your connection string
Do you pass the parameters into the SQL portion where you name the stored procedure? And if so, do they need to contain @? Could you possibly send a picture please?