Execute macro on Sharepoint-Excel


I have a problem since some Excel-files I was using with the roboter are moving from a local fileserver to sharepoint in the Cloud.

I know how to open/do some basic actions with Excel-files in the sharepoint.

But how can I execute a macro of a Excel-file saved in sharepoint. The activities supported from UiPath for Office365 (which I have been using to access files in the sharepoint) are pretty basic and not really helpful.


Does somebody have an idea?


We need to download the file to local then execute and upload back

Even manually i font think you can execute a macro on sharepoint unless you open in local excel app


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Hi @titatarik ,

You can’t run macro’s from sharepoint. If that sharepoint is link with your local machine and that file is aviiable in local machine you can run the macro’s.

Directly from sharepoint we can’t.

Thank You!

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Hi @titatarik ,

  1. You cant run excel macro is SharePoint cloud, macro will run only in desktop
  2. If you want to run some logic in online/cloud for excel, then you have to explore Microsoft “Office Script”.

Let me know if you need more information.


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